1925 Henderson De Luxe

This beautiful and rare 1925 Henderson De Luxe was imported from America sometime in the late 1980s. The Henderson was a very complete bike but in need of total restoration. The Henderson was then sold to the last, long term owner and underwent a full restoration in 1989/1990. Everything except for the engine/gearbox was restored by the owner, a skilled craftsman with a high appreciation of originality. The engine/gearbox unit was restored by a professional engineering company with great experience rebuilding vintage and classic car and motorcycle engines. The restoration was done to a very high standard, and it now has just the right amount of patina. All parts are original, no repro parts are fitted (except for a new quality replica Mesinger seat in dark brown leather). The Henderson has always been well maintained and can easily pass as a very well kept, original paint bike. Despite never being fitted with a front brake, the rear brake is very efficient and is sufficient to stop the motorcycle, provided you ride according to the traffic around you. The Henderson is a very good runner, that has behaved faultlessly on many rallies over the last 20-30 years years. Unfortunately the previous owner was not able to ride it in recent years because of a knee replacement. I have a video of the long term owner going through the entire starting procedure. There are two folders with copies of the original instruction manual, spare parts list etc. coming with the bike. The Henderson will need a service, change oil, clean plugs, clean carburettor, fresh petrol etc before it is ready to be run again Registered for the road with current EU registration documents. Please get in touch for more info and photos. CZ: Mohu zajistit dopravu do Ceské republiky až na konkrétní místo urcení. Využívám kvalitních služeb velmi spolehlivých prepravních spolecností se specializací na prepravu motocyklu, prípadne i ceského prepravce. Možnosti prepravy na konkrétní dotaz. Reference od predchozích ceských kupujících. DE: Tür-zu-tür transporte nach Deutschland können problemlos arrangiert warden. Wir arbeiten immer mit dem besten und zuverlässigsten internationalen Motorradtransporter zusammen. Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, um unsere lösungen zu entdecken oder die Referenzen früherer Käufer zu sehen.

1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe1925 Henderson De Luxe

79 000 € 
+45 53638956 

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