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Category: Military - Moto - Sale


Nabízím projekt Triumph/TWN

 | +420736413950

Classified ad number: 103272 (Military - Moto - Sale)

Prodám 4 motocykly Triumph/TWN: S-350 (75% komplet), B-350 (komplet), BD 250 1. řada (komplet), BD 250 2. řada (90% komplet) na renovaci. BD 250 1. řada před dokončením. Jen jako celek. Foto na vyžádání. Volejte po 17.00hod.


BMW R71 motorrader

 | +36706090280 |

Price: 22 000 €
Classified ad number: 102836 (Military - Moto - Sale)

Neu renoviert, elektronische Zündung, der originale Bosch ist ebenfalls vorhanden.Weitere Bilder und Videos können angefordert werden. Das Motorrad befindet sich in Budapest. Auf Englisch nachfragen.

1942 Harley-Davidson WLA
Price: 18 500 $
Classified ad number: 101386 (Military - Moto - Sale)

Up for sale is 1942 Harley WLA The bike has not much history, Since it is a one owner bike, My dad is the first owner of the bike, He did the restoration in 2013 with all original parts, Since then i only kick start the bike twice a month.

1937 Harley-Davidson WL 750
Price: 18 500 $
Classified ad number: 101164 (Military - Moto - Sale)

Up for sale is 1937 Harley The bike has not much history, Since it is a one owner bike, My dad is the first owner of the bike, He did the restoration in 2013 with all original parts, Since then i only kick start the bike twice a month. I have a cle...

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