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(1925) Škoda - Laurin & Klement 120


Make: Škoda - Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: Laurin & Klement 120
Year: 1925
Number of vehicles made : 494

(1925) Tatra 13


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 13
Year: 1925
Number of vehicles made : 762


(1925) Tatra 17


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 17
Year: 1925
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1925) Tatra Targa Florio 1056ccm


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Targa Florio (race model)
Year: 1925
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1925) Terrot 250 JAP SV


Make: Terrot
Land: Francie
Type: JAP SV
Year: 1925
Cooling: vzduch

(1925) Velocette Model K 348ccm


Make: Velocette
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Model K
Year: 1925
Displacement (ccm): 348


(1925) Wikov 7/28


Make: Wikov
Land: Československá republika
Type: Wikov 7-28
Year: 1925
Number of vehicles made : 280

(1926) AJS G1 De Luxe Combination


Make: AJS, A.J. Stevens Ltd., Wolverhampton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: AJS G1 De Luxe Combination
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1926) Alma Six 1624ccm


Make: Alma
Land: Itálie
Type: Six
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1926) Amilcar Biplace Sport CGSS


Make: Amilcar
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Sport CGSS
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, motor vpředu


(1926) Amilcar C6 (1094ccm)


Make: Amilcar
Land: Francie
Type: C 6
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1926) Amilcar CGSS 985ccm


Make: Amilcar
Land: Francie
Type: CGSS
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1926) Amilcar Monoplace Decalee CO


Make: Amilcar
Land: Francie
Type: Monoplace Decalee CO
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec, DOHC, motor vpředu

(1926) Arab Super Sport 1955ccm


Make: Arab
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Super Sport
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1926) Aston Martin 11,9 HP (1481ccm)


Make: Aston Martin
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 11,9 HP
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1926) Bean 12 HP


Make: Bean
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 12 HP
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1926) Beardmore 12/30 HP


Make: Beardmore
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 12/30 HP
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1926) BNC Biplace Sport 527 GS


Make: BNC
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Sport 527 GS
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1926) Brietfield Daněk BD 500


Make: BD, Továrna na stroje Breitfeld, Daněk a spol., Praha – Karlín
Land: Československá republika
Type: Brietfield Daněk BD 500
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1 DOHC

(1926) BSA 498 ccm Standard Model


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA 498 ccm Standard Model
Year: 1926
Cooling: vzduch


(1926) BSA Model L deluxe 350 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA Model L deluxe 350 ccm
Year: 1926
Cooling: vzduch

(1926) BSA S26 500 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA S26 500 ccm
Year: 1926


(1926) BSA V Twin 1000 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA V Twin 1000 ccm
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

(1926) Bugatti 30


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 30
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec


(1926) Bugatti 35 B


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 35 B
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec přeplňovaný kompresorem

(1926) Bugatti 37


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 37
Year: 1926
Number of vehicles made : 290


(1926) Bugatti 40


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 40
Year: 1926
Number of vehicles made : 745

(1926) Bugatti Biplace Course Type 35 A


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Course Type 35 A
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec


(1926) Bugatti Biplace Course Type 37


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Course Type 37
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1926) Bugatti Roadster Type 40


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Roadster Type 40
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1926) Claveau 26


Make: Claveau
Land: Francie
Type: 26
Year: 1926
: před zadní nápravou

(1926) Cunningham Boat-tail Speedster 6790ccm


Make: Cunningham
Land: USA
Type: Boat-tail Speedster
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V8


(1926) Diamant 343ccm


Make: Diamant
Land: Německo
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 343
Output (power/rpm): 17 k

(1926) Dodge Brothers Senior Six


Make: Dodge
Land: USA
Type: Dodge Brothers Senior Six
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1926) Douglas E.W. 350 ccm


Make: Douglas Engineering Co. Ltd., Bristol
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Douglas E.W. 350 ccm
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

(1926) EHP (1203ccm)


Make: EHP
Land: Francie
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4
Displacement (ccm): 1203


(1926) Enka 499ccm


Make: Enka
Land: Československá republika
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1
Displacement (ccm): 499

(1926) Galloni 500


Make: Galloni
Land: Itálie
Type: Galloni 500
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1926) Harley-Davidson AA SV Peashooter 346ccm


Make: Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Land: USA
Type: AA SV Peashooter
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 346

(1926) Harley-Davidson Model B Racer 346ccm


Make: Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Land: USA
Type: Model B Racer
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 346


(1926) Hawker (motor Blackburne)


Make: Hawker
Land: Velká Británie
Type: (motor Blackburne)
Year: 1926
Manufactured since year: 1926

(1926) Horex 596ccm


Make: Horex
Land: Německo
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 596
Output (power/rpm): 10 k


(1926) Humber 350 ccm


Make: Humber
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Humber 350 ccm
Year: 1926
Cooling: vzduch

(1926) Chater-Lea Super Sport


Make: Chater-Lea
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Super Sport
Year: 1926
Manufactured since year: 1926


(1926) Lancia Lambda Tourer


Make: Lancia
Land: Itálie
Type: Lancia Lambda Tourer
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1926) McEvoy (motor JAP)


Make: McEvoy
Land: Velká Británie
Type: (motor JAP)
Year: 1926
Manufactured since year: 1926


(1926) Morris Cowley


Make: Morris
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Morris Cowley
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1926) Motosacoche Jubile 424 - 498ccm


Make: Motosacoche
Land: Švýcarsko
Type: Jubile 424
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 498


(1926) Norton Sprinter


Make: Norton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Norton Sprinter
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1926) Praga Piccolo (4.-6. serie)


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Piccolo (4.-6. serie)
Year: 1926
Number of vehicles made : cca 1500


(1926) Puch 220ccm


Make: Puch Werke AG, Graz
Land: Rakousko
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 220
Manufactured since year: 1926

(1926) Raleigh 350 ccm SV


Make: Raleigh Cycle Co. Ltd., Nottingham
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Raleigh 350 ccm SV
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1926) Rex-Acme TT Sports 348ccm


Make: Rex-Acme
Land: Velká Británie
Type: TT Sports
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 348

(1926) Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost


Make: Rolls-Royce
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Silver Ghost
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): OHV, 6


(1926) Royal Enfield 2.25 HP


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 1926 Royal Enfield 2.25 HP
Year: 1926
Cooling: vzduch

(1926) Royal Enfield 250 ccm


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield 250 ccm
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1926) Salmson Sport 1086 ccm


Make: Salmson
Land: Francie
Type: Sport
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1926) Schüttoff 348ccm


Make: Schüttoff
Land: Německo
Year: 1926
Displacement (ccm): 348
Output (power/rpm): 2,5 k


(1926) Singer Junior Torpedo 847ccm


Make: Singer
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Junior Torpedo
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1926) Start D 2 (1000ccm)


Make: Start
Land: Československá republika
Type: D2
Year: 1926
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

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