(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS MK 1

(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1 (1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS MK 1
Make  Ford
Land  Velká Británie
Type  Ford Cortina Eagle SS MK 1
Year  1977
Engine (type, number of cylinders)  6
Cooling  kapalina
Displacement (ccm)  1993
Output (power/rpm)  128 kW/6600
Carburetor (make, type)  Solex 28UHF
Body (number of doors)  coupe
Seats  2
Length (mm)  4300
Width (mm)  1840
Height (mm)  1070
Wheelbase (mm)  2420
Curb weight (kg)  995
Total weight (kg)  1220
Drive  zadní
Transmission  manualní 4 + 1 stupňová
Rim  8,5J/15
Tires  225/60 R15, 265/50 R15
Max speed (km/h)  185
Fuel System  mechanická palivová pumpa
Brakes  hydraulické kotoučové
Electricity  12 V


(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
Eagle SS v renovaci
Eagle SS v renovaci
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
(1977) Ford Cortina Eagle SS  MK 1
Source: archiv eurooldtimers.com
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