(1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz

(1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz (1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz
Make  Laurin & Klement
Land  Rakousko-Uhersko (Česko)
Type  Slávia Bz
Year  1902
Engine (type, number of cylinders)  1
Cooling  vzduch
Displacement (ccm)  331
Drilling (mm)  75
Stroke (mm)  75
Output (power/rpm)  1,8 kW (2,5 hp)
Curb weight (kg)  58
Drive  zadní řemenem
Max speed (km/h)  60
Fuel System  gravitační
Manufactured since year  1902
Production end year  1905

   The firm of Laurin Klement began as only a small workshop, but soon afterwards it developer into one of the most renowned European motorcycle producers. Its machines under the brand name Slávia were the peak of technical progress at the beginning of the 20th century. A total of four thousand of these motorcycles were produced, which were sold throughout Europe. In addition, a range of other firms producer these Czech motorcycles under licence. It was donated by Václav Klement.


(1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz
(1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz
(1905) Laurin & Klement model Slávia Bz
Source: archiv eurooldtimers.com, Národní technické museum Praha, Libor Marčík: Naše Motocykly I
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