MG PA 1934

Tento krásný modrý sportovní vůz byl nedávno zrestaurován předchozím majitelem a od restaurování najel pouze 900 mil! Auto je v Nizozemsku od roku 1956 nebo dříve, Stále máme ve složce původní „lněné“ doklady k autu. Motor je přestavěn specialistou MG ve Velké Británii a běží velmi hladce Má nové pneumatiky blockley, dobré brzdy a řízení je v pořádku. MG jezdí opravdu dobře a je připraveno si ho užít. This lovely blue sports car is recently restored by the previous owner and only drove 900miles since the restoration. The car has is in the Netherlands since 1956 or earlier. We still have the original “linnen”car documents in the file. The engine is rebuild by a MG specialist in the UK and runs very smooth It has new blockley tires , good brakes and steering is ok. The MG drives really good and is ready to enjoy.

MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934MG PA 1934

42 500 € 


Ford Model A Deluxe Roadster 1931

 | 0613390874 |

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In running condition with Dutch registration papers. The paint of the car is not nice. Nice project for restoration or hot-rod Oil pressure gauge Rear fenders are made of polyester Dickey seat Upholstery is fair

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This 1933 Pontiac is in an unique unrestored conditon, without any rust or damages! The paint has a fabulous patina (see photo’s) The interior is allmost like new, with a sunvisor for the driver to use in front or at the left side. She drives pret...

: 26 500 €
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