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(1923) Alvis 12-50 (1496ccm)


Make: Alvis
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 12/50
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Ardie 3PS 305ccm


Make: Ardie Motoren Werk AG, Nürnebrg
Land: Německo
Type: 3PS
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 305


(1923) Ballot 2 LT


Make: Ballot
Land: Francie
Type: 2 LT
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1923) Beardmore Precision SV 596ccm


Make: Beardmore Precision
Land: Velká Británie
Type: SV 600
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 596


(1923) Bentley 3 L (2996ccm)


Make: Bentley
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 3L
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Bentley 3 Litre Red Label


Make: Bentley
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 3 Litre Red Label
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1923) Berliet 23/70 HP


Make: Berliet
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 23/70 HP
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1923) BMW R32


Make: BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG, München
Land: Německo
Type: R 32
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1923) BSA Model L 350 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA Model L 350 ccm
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1923) Citroën Torpedo Type C


Make: Citroen
Land: Francie
Type: Torpedo Type C
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1923) Crossley 14 HP


Make: Crossley
Land: Austrálie
Type: 14 HP
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1923) Crossley 20/70 HP


Make: Crossley
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 20/70 HP
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1923) Derby D7CV


Make: Derby
Land: Francie
Type: D7CV Torpedo Sport
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): Chapuis Dornier, 4, OHV

(1923) Dot Supersports 349ccm


Make: Dot
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Supersports
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 349


(1923) Fafnir 471 (1980ccm)


Make: Fafnir
Land: Německo
Type: 471
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Farman A6B (6597ccm)


Make: Farman
Land: Francie
Type: A6B
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1923) Fast Due S (2991ccm)


Make: Fast
Land: Itálie
Type: Due S
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Ford V8 (3622ccm)


Make: Ford
Land: USA
Type: V8
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V8


(1923) GWK 10,8 HP 1368ccm


Make: GWK
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 10,8 HP
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Harley-Davidson JD 1200


Make: Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Land: USA
Type: JD 1200
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 1200


(1923) Chiribiri Monza 1486ccm


Make: Chiribiri
Land: Itálie
Type: Monza
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Isis 770ccm


Make: Isis
Land: Československá republika
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2
Displacement (ccm): 770


(1923) Laurin & Klement 150 (1460ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 150
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Laurin & Klement 200 (205) 2413ccm


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 200 (205)
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Laurin & Klement 210 (2413ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 210
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Laurin & Klement 300 (305) 4712ccm


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 300 (305)
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Laurin & Klement 445 (4962ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 445
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1923) Laurin & Klement 500 (4712ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 500
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Laurin & Klement 505 (4712ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 505
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Laurin & Klement 540 (5911ccm)


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 540
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Marlborough Thomas 1493ccm


Make: Marlgorough
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Thomas
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Morris Cowley 1548 ccm


Make: Morris
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Cowley
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Motobécane 172ccm


Make: Motobécane
Land: Francie
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 172
Output (power/rpm): 1,75 k

(1923) Ner-a-Car 279 ccm


Make: Ner-a-Car, Sheffield Simplex Ltd., Sheffield
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Ner-a-Car 279 ccm
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1923) NSU 4 PS


Make: NSU, Neckarsulmer Fahrzeugwerke AG, Neckarsulm
Land: Německo
Type: NSU 4 PS
Year: 1923

(1923) OM 665 Superba 1991ccm


Make: OM
Land: Itálie
Type: Superba 665
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1923) Omega


Make: Z, Zbrojovka, akciová spol. v Brně
Land: Československá republika
Type: Omega
Year: 1923
Number of vehicles made : prototypy

(1923) Praga R 4/1


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga R 4/1
Year: 1923
Number of vehicles made : 596


(1923) Royal Enfield LW 2 14 HP


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield LW 2 14 HP
Year: 1923

(1923) Rudge Multi-Gear 499 ccm


Make: Rudge - Whitworth Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Multi-Gear
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 499


(1923) Ruston-Hornsby B2 (3308ccm)


Make: Ruston-Hornsby
Land: Velká Británie
Type: B2
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) San Sou Pap 175 ccm


Make: San Sou Pap
Land: Francie
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): jednoválec
Cooling: vzduch


(1923) Sandford 1088ccm


Make: Sandford
Land: Francie
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4
Displacement (ccm): 1088

(1923) Sara Cabriolet 1098ccm


Make: Sara
Land: Francie
Type: Cabriolet
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Stearns-Knight 4072ccm


Make: Stearns
Land: USA
Type: Knight
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1923) Sunbeam Model 1 350 ccm


Make: Sunbeam Cycles Ltd., Wolverhampton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Sunbeam Model 1 350 ccm
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1923) Sunbeam Sporting Model 499ccm


Make: Sunbeam Cycles Ltd., Wolverhampton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Sporting Model
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 499

(1923) Tatra 11


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 11
Year: 1923
Number of vehicles made : 3687


(1923) Triumph Model SD 550ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Model SD
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 550

(1923) Triumph Type R Fast Roadster 499ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Type R Fast Roadster
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 499


(1923) Trojan 1488ccm


Make: Trojan
Land: Velká Británie
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4
Displacement (ccm): 1488

(1923) Vauxhall 30-98 typ OE 4224ccm


Make: Vauxhall
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 30/98 OE
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1923) Voisin C3 Long


Make: Voisin
Land: Francie
Type: C3 Long
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1933) Rudge TT Replica 498 ccm


Make: Rudge - Whitworth Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: TT Replica
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 498


(1920-25) Ford Model T


Make: Ford
Land: USA
Type: Model T
Year: 1924
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1924-27) Mauser Einspuranto 510ccm


Make: Mauser
Land: Německo
Type: Einspuranto
Year: 1924
Displacement (ccm): 510


(1924) ABC Super Sports


Make: ABC
Land: Velká Británie
Type: ABC Super Sports
Year: 1924
Engine (type, number of cylinders): plochý dvouválec (boxer), OHV, motor vpředu

(1924) Alcyon 175 ccm OHV Super Sport


Make: Alcyon
Land: Francie
Type: Alcyon 175 ccm OHV Super Sport
Year: 1924
Engine (type, number of cylinders): Moser 1


(1924) Alfa Romeo RL Standard Torpedo Castagna


Make: Alfa Romeo
Land: Itálie
Type: RL Standard Torpedo Castagna
Year: 1924
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec s F - hlavou

(1924) Amilcar CC


Make: Amilcar
Land: Francie
Type: CC
Year: 1924
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, SV,komprese 5, motor vpředu

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