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(1929) BMW Dixi Sport


Make: BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG, München
Land: Německo
Type: Dixi Sport
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1929) BMW Ihle Dixi Sport


Make: BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG, München
Land: Německo
Type: Ihle Dixi Sport
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1929) BMW R11


Make: BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG, München
Land: Německo
Type: BMW R 11
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

(1929) BMW R63 734ccm


Make: BMW, Bayerische Motoren-Werke AG, München
Land: Německo
Type: R63
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 734


(1929) BNC 1,5 L (1496ccm)


Make: BNC
Land: Francie
Type: 1,5L
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1929) Böhmerland Sport 603 ccm


Make: Böhmerland
Land: Československá republika
Type: Böhmerland Sport 603 ccm
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1929) BSA S29 500 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA S29 500 ccm
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1929) BSA Sloper 500 ccm


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA Sloper 500 ccm
Year: 1929
Cooling: vzduch


(1929) BSA Sloper 500 ccm (racer)


Make: BSA Birmingham Small Arms Company
Land: Velká Británie
Type: BSA Sloper 500 ccm (racer)
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 500

(1929) Bugatti 35B


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 35B
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec přeplňovanný kompresorem


(1929) Bugatti 43/44


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 43/44
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec

(1929) Bugatti 44


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: 44
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 1100


(1929) Bugatti Biplace Course Type 35 C


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Course Type 35 C
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec přeplňovaný kompresorem

(1929) Bugatti Biplace Course Type 37 A


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Course Type 37 A
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 67


(1929) Bugatti Camionette Type 40


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Camionette Type 40
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1929) Bugatti Roadster Type 40 A


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Roadster Type 40 A
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1929) Bugatti Royale Coupé Type 41


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Royale Coupé Type 41
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec

(1929) Bugatti Torpedo Grand Sport Type 43


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Torpedo Grand Sport Type 43
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec


(1929) Bugatti Typ 41 Royale Coupé de Ville Bider


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Typ 41 Royale Coupé de Ville Bider
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec

(1929) Bugatti Type 43


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Type 43
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec


(1929) Cadillac Typ 341 B


Make: Cadillac
Land: USA
Type: 341 - B
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): vidlicový osmiválec

(1929) Citroën AC4 Kegresse 9 CV


Make: Citroen
Land: Francie
Type: AC4 Kegresse 9 CV
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1929) Cleveland Tornado 1000ccm


Make: Cleveland Motor Cycle Mfg. Co., Cleveland
Land: USA
Type: Tornado
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 1000

(1929) Cord L29


Make: Cord
Land: USA
Type: L29
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 4429


(1929) Cottin-Desgouttes Sans Secousses 20 CV


Make: Cottin-Desgouttes
Land: Francie
Type: Sans Secousses 20 CV
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec

(1929) CWS T-2


Make: CWS (Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe)
Land: Polsko
Type: T-2
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1929) CWS T-8


Make: CWS (Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe)
Land: Polsko
Type: T-8
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec

(1929) D' Yrsan Sport K (1088ccm)


Make: D'Yrsan
Land: Francie
Type: Sport K
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1929) Delage D8 (4058ccm)


Make: Delage
Land: Francie
Type: D8
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 8

(1929) DKW ZSW500


Make: DKW, Zschopauer Motorenwerke J.S. Rasmussen AG, Zschopau
Land: Německo
Type: ZSW 500
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 494


(1929) Douglas DT5 494ccm


Make: Douglas Engineering Co. Ltd., Bristol
Land: Velká Británie
Type: DT5
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 494

(1929) Du Pont model G (5275ccm)


Make: Du Pont
Land: USA
Type: model G
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 8


(1929) Essex Super Six 2500ccm


Make: Essex
Land: USA
Type: Super Six
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1929) FN 283ccm


Make: FN, Fabrique Nationale d‘ Arbes de Guerre, Liége
Land: Belgie
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 283
Total weight (kg): 80


(1929) Ford A Sport Coupé


Make: Ford
Land: USA
Type: A
Year: 1929
: vpředu

(1929) Grindlay Peerless Sporting Special


Make: Grindlay
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Grindlay Peerless Sporting Special
Year: 1929


(1929) Harley-Davidson Model D 750 ccm


Make: Harley- Davidson Motor Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Land: USA
Type: Harley-Davidson Model D 750 ccm
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

(1929) Henderson Model KJ 1301ccm


Make: Henderson
Land: USA
Type: Model KJ
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 1301


(1929) Indian Four


Make: Indian Motocykle Co., Springfield, Massachusetts
Land: USA
Type: Indian Four
Year: 1929

(1929) Jordan Great Line 90


Make: Jordan
Land: USA
Type: Jordan Great Line 90
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V 8


(1929) Levis Model A2 350 ccm OHV


Make: Levis
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Levis Model A2 350 ccm OHV
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1 OHV

(1929) Matchless 250 ccm trials Ex Monty Banks


Make: Matchless Motor Cycles Ltd., London
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Matchless 250 ccm trials Ex Monty Banks
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1929) Matchless V3


Make: Matchless Motor Cycles Ltd., London
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Matchless V3
Year: 1929

(1929) Mercedes-Benz SSK 7065ccm


Make: Mercedes-Benz
Land: Německo
Type: SSK
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1929) MG Midget 847ccm


Make: MG
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Midget
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1929) Nacional Pescara 2948ccm


Make: Nacional Pescara
Land: Španělsko
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 8
Displacement (ccm): 2948


(1929) Oakland All-American Six 3038ccm


Make: Oakland
Land: USA
Type: All-American Six
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1929) Pilain 16-20 HP 3053ccm


Make: Pilain
Land: Francie
Type: 16/20 HP
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1929) Praga Alfa (17.-21. serie)


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Alfa (17.-21. serie)
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 2500

(1929) Praga AN-4 (13-18 serie) 1944ccm


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: AN-4 (13-18 serie)
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1929) Praga Grand (16. serie)


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Grand (16. serie)
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 100

(1929) Praga Mignon (18. serie)


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Mignon (18. serie)
Year: 1929
Number of vehicles made : 200


(1929) Premier 500 SV


Make: Premier, , a.s. pro výrobu jízdních kol a strojů, Cheb
Land: Československá republika
Type: Premier 500 SV
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1929) Raleigh 500 SV


Make: Raleigh Cycle Co. Ltd., Nottingham
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 500
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 500


(1929) Raleigh Model 21 490 ccm


Make: Raleigh Cycle Co. Ltd., Nottingham
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Raleigh Model 21 490 ccm
Year: 1929
Cooling: vzduch

(1929) Royal Enfield 350 ccm SV


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield 350 ccm SV
Year: 1929
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1 SV


(1929) Rudge Special 500 ccm


Make: Rudge - Whitworth Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Rudge Special 500 ccm
Year: 1929
Cooling: vzduch

(1929) Rudge Whitworth Ulster


Make: Rudge - Whitworth Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Rudge Whitworth Ulster
Year: 1929


(1929) Scott Flying Squirrel TT Replica 596ccm


Make: Scott Motorcycle Co. Ltd., Shipley, Yorkshire
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Flying Squirrel TT Replica
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 596

(1929) Scott Super Squirrel 498ccm


Make: Scott Motorcycle Co. Ltd., Shipley, Yorkshire
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Super Squirrel
Year: 1929
Displacement (ccm): 498

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