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(1921) Roamer D4 (4941ccm)


Make: Roamer
Land: USA
Type: D4
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1921) Rolls-Royce 40-50 HP Silver Ghost 7396ccm


Make: Rolls-Royce
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 40/50 HP Silver Ghost
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1921) Royal Enfield 2 14 HP


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield 2 14 HP
Year: 1921
Cooling: vzduch

(1921) Royal Enfield 8HP V twin


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield 8HP V twin
Year: 1921
Cooling: vzduch


(1921) Rumpler OA 2581ccm


Make: Rumpler
Land: Německo
Type: OA
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1921) Sparkbrook 250 ccm


Make: Sparkbrook
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Sparkbrook 250 ccm
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1921) Spyker C4 (5742ccm)


Make: Spyker
Land: Nizozemí
Type: C4
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1921) Start C (1460ccm)


Make: Start
Land: Československá republika
Type: C
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1921) Straker-Squire 24-80 HP 3921ccm


Make: Straker-Squire
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 24/80 HP
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1921) Tatra 10 (5344ccm)


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: 10
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1921) Triumph Junior 225 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Junior
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): dvoudobý, 1, palivo olej v poměru 12:1

(1921) Triumph Model H 500 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Triumph Model H 500 ccm
Year: 1921
Cooling: vzduch


(1921) Triumph SD 550 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Triumph SD 550 ccm
Year: 1921
Cooling: vzduch

(1921) Vellocette D2 - 220ccm


Make: Velocette
Land: Velká Británie
Type: D2
Year: 1921
Displacement (ccm): 220


(1921) Voisin V12 Scirocco (4860ccm)


Make: Voisin
Land: Francie
Type: V12 Scirocco
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V12

(1921) Walter WIZ


Make: Walter, a.s., továrna na automobily a letecké motory Praha Jinonice
Land: Československá republika
Type: WIZ
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1921) Wills Sainte Claire 4349ccm


Make: Wills Sainte Claire
Land: USA
Year: 1921
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V8
Displacement (ccm): 4349

(1922-23) Henderson-Excelsior K-Race


Make: Henderson
Land: USA
Type: K-Race
Year: 1922-23
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový podélný 4 válec


(1922) Ansaldo 4 CS


Make: Ansaldo
Land: Itálie
Type: 4 CS
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, OHC, motor vpředu

(1922) Ariel 3,5 HP touring model


Make: Ariel Motorcycles Ltd., Birmingham
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Ariel 3,5 HP touring model
Year: 1922


(1922) Austin Seven


Make: Austin
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Seven
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, SV, komprese 5.1, motor vpředu

(1922) Austro-Daimler AD 6-17 Jagdwagen


Make: Austro-Daimler
Land: Rakousko
Type: AD 6-17 Jagdwagen
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec, OHC


(1922) Austro-Daimler Mixte


Make: Austro-Daimler
Land: Rakousko
Type: Mixte
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec ADM, OHC

(1922) Buick Six


Make: Buick
Land: USA
Type: Six
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec


(1922) Buick Touring


Make: Buick
Land: USA
Type: Touring
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový šestiválec

(1922) Calthorpe 2.25 HP


Make: Calthorpe
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Calthorpe 2.25 HP
Year: 1922


(1922) Citroen 5CV typ C


Make: Citroen
Land: Francie
Type: 5CV typ C
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec

(1922) Citroën C2 Torpedo


Make: Citroen
Land: Francie
Type: C2 Torpedo
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1922) Coventry-Victor 688ccm


Make: Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Year: 1922
Displacement (ccm): 688
Manufactured since year: 1922

(1922) Crossley 25/30 HP


Make: Crossley
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 25/30 HP
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec


(1922) Diatto typ 20A (1996ccm)


Make: Diatto
Land: Itálie
Type: typ 20A
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1922) DKW Lomos 142ccm


Make: DKW, Zschopauer Motorenwerke J.S. Rasmussen AG, Zschopau
Land: Německo
Type: Lomos
Year: 1922
Displacement (ccm): 142


(1922) Enfield-Allday 10-20 HP (1496ccm)


Make: Enfield-Allday
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 10/20
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, OHV, tříventil, motor vpředu

(1922) HE 14-40 (2121ccm)


Make: HE
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 14/40
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1922) Helios


Make: Helios
Land: Německo
Year: 1922
Manufactured since year: 1922

(1922) Indian Scout 600 ccm V-Twin


Make: Indian Motocykle Co., Springfield, Massachusetts
Land: USA
Type: Indian Scout 600 ccm V-Twin
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1922) Lancia Lambda 2120ccm


Make: Lancia
Land: Itálie
Type: Lambda
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V4

(1922) Laurin & Klement 100 (105) 1791ccm


Make: Laurin & Klement
Land: Československá republika
Type: 100 (105)
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1922) Matchless Model H 900 ccm V-twin


Make: Matchless Motor Cycles Ltd., London
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Matchless Model H 900 ccm V-twin
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2

(1922) Praga Alfa (3.-11. serie)


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Alfa (3.-11. serie)
Year: 1922
Number of vehicles made : 2600


(1922) Presto D 2350ccm


Make: Presto
Land: Německo
Type: D
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1922) Rolls-Royce 20 HP 3127ccm


Make: Rolls-Royce
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 20 HP
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1922) Royal Enfield 2 14 HP


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield 2 14 HP
Year: 1922

(1922) SPA Tipo 4426ccm


Make: SPA
Land: Itálie
Type: Tipo 24S
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1922) Sparkbrook 250 ccm


Make: Sparkbrook
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Sparkbrook 250 ccm
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1922) Standard SLO 4


Make: Standard
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Standard SLO 4
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1922) Sunbeam model 7 600 ccm


Make: Sunbeam Cycles Ltd., Wolverhampton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Sunbeam model 7 600 ccm
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 600

(1922) Šibrava Trimobil 1248ccm


Make: Šibrava
Land: Československá republika
Type: Trimobil
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1922) Škoda U-50 HP 7479ccm


Make: Škoda
Land: Československá republika
Type: U-50 HP
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1922) Temperino 1020ccm


Make: Temperino
Land: Itálie
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V2
Displacement (ccm): 1020


(1922) Templar 18-23 HP 3225ccm


Make: Templar
Land: USA
Type: 18/23 HP
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1922) Traction Aerienne 1527ccm


Make: Traction Aerienne
Land: Francie
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2 boxer
Displacement (ccm): 1527


(1922) Triumph Ricardo 500 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Triumph Ricardo 500 ccm
Year: 1922
Cooling: vzduch

(1922) Unic Typ L 1843ccm


Make: Unic
Land: Francie
Type: Typ L
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1922) Vauxhall 30-98 OE 4224ccm


Make: Vauxhall
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 30/98 OE
Year: 1922
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1912) Bugatti Biplace Course Type 32


Make: Bugatti
Land: Francie
Type: Biplace Course Type 32
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový osmiválec


(1923-28) AJS 350 G6


Make: AJS, A.J. Stevens Ltd., Wolverhampton
Land: Velká Británie
Type: 350 G6
Year: 1923
Displacement (ccm): 349

(1923) AGA 6/30 PS Targa Florio


Make: AGA
Land: Německo
Type: 6/30 PS targa Florio
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): řadový čtyřválec, SV


(1923) Alba 2,2 PS


Make: Alba Werke Stettin
Land: Německo
Type: Alba 2,2 PS
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1923) Alcyon 175 ccm


Make: Alcyon
Land: Francie
Year: 1923
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1
Cooling: vzduch

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