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(1934) DKW 1001 4=8


Make: DKW, Zschopauer Motorenwerke J.S. Rasmussen AG, Zschopau
Land: Německo
Type: DKW 1001 4=8
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 295

(1934) Excelsior Empire 150 ccm


Make: Excelsior Motor Co. Ltd., Birmingham
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Excelsior Empire 150 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1934) Ford Köln


Make: Ford
Land: Německo
Type: Ford Köln
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Fraser Nash TT Replica Shelsey 1496ccm


Make: Fraser Nash
Land: Velká Británie
Type: TT Replica Shelsey
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1934) Hillman Aero Minx 1185ccm


Make: Hillman Motor CO. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Aero Minx
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Hotchkiss Paris-Nice 3485ccm


Make: Hotchkiss
Land: Francie
Type: Paris-Nice
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1934) Chrysler Airflow 3956ccm


Make: Chrysler
Land: USA
Type: Airflow
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1934) Indian Chief 1213ccm


Make: Indian Motocykle Co., Springfield, Massachusetts
Land: USA
Type: Chief
Year: 1934
Displacement (ccm): 1213


(1934) Jawa 175 (vodnik) prototyp


Make: Jawa
Land: Československá republika
Type: 175
Year: 1934
Displacement (ccm): 172

(1934) Jensen Wolseley


Make: Jensen
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Jensen Wolseley
Year: 1934
: vpředu


(1934) Matchless 35D5 500 SV


Make: Matchless Motor Cycles Ltd., London
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Matchless 35D5 500 SV
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1934) Matchless Model D 500 ccm


Make: Matchless Motor Cycles Ltd., London
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Matchless Model D 500 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1934) Maybach Zeppelin V12 Cabriolet 7977ccm


Make: Maybach
Land: Německo
Type: Zeppelin V12 Cabrio
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): V12

(1934) Mercedes 200 (W 21)


Make: Mercedes-Benz
Land: Německo
Type: Mercedes 200 (W 21)
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1934) Mercedes 500 K


Make: Mercedes-Benz
Land: Německo
Type: Mercedes 500 K
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 354

(1934) Monet Goyon LS3 350 SV


Make: Monet Goyon
Land: Francie
Type: LS3 350 SV
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): SV, 1


(1934) Morris Eight 918 ccm


Make: Morris
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Eight
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Motosacoche 250 IOE


Make: Motosacoche
Land: Švýcarsko
Type: Motosacoche 250 IOE
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1934) Myron 805ccm)


Make: Myron
Land: Československá republika
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1
Displacement (ccm): 805

(1934) New Imperial 150 ccm


Make: New Imperial
Land: Velká Británie
Type: New Imperial 150 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1934) Nissan Datsun Nissanocar 748ccm


Make: Nissan
Land: Japonsko
Type: Datsun Nissanocar
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Ogar Standard


Make: Autfit, Machek a spol., Praha - Strašnice
Land: Československá republika
Type: Ogar Standard
Year: 1934


(1934) OK Supreme 248 ccm


Make: OK
Land: Velká Británie
Type: OK Supreme 248 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1934) Peugeot P 112


Make: Peugeot, Societé Anonyme des Automobile set Cycles Peugeot, Beaulieu – Valentigney
Land: Francie
Type: Peugeot P 112
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1, typ M53KH


(1934) Praga Baby


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Baby
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 3950

(1934) Praga Piccolo 306 a 307


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Praga Piccolo 306 a 307
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 200 + 100


(1934) Praga RND 1.serie


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: RND 1. serie
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Praga Super Piccolo


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Super Piccolo
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 646


(1934) Praga Super Piccolo (race model) 1661ccm


Make: Praga
Land: Československá republika
Type: Super Piccolo (race model)
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Railton 4010ccm


Make: Railton
Land: Velká Británie
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 8
Displacement (ccm): 4010


(1934) Riley MPH 1633ccm


Make: Riley
Land: Velká Británie
Type: MPH
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1934) Royal Enfield B 250 ccm


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield B 250 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1


(1934) Royal Enfield Cycar 150 ccm


Make: Royal Enfield, Enfield Precision Engineers Ltd., Bradford– on– Avon
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Royal Enfield Cycar 150 ccm
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1934) Rudge Sports 250 ccm


Make: Rudge - Whitworth Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Rudge Sports 250 ccm
Year: 1934
Cooling: vzduch


(1934) Slavia 4 HP


Make: Slavia - Bratří Paříkové, Napajedla ČSR
Land: Československá republika
Type: Slavia 4 HP
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 1

(1934) Squire 1496ccm


Make: Squire
Land: Velká Británie
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4
Displacement (ccm): 1496


(1934) Steyr Typ 100 (1385ccm)


Make: Steyr
Land: Rakousko
Type: Typ 100
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Swallow SS I


Make: Jaguar
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Swallow SS I
Year: 1934
: vpředu


(1934) Škoda 418 Popular


Make: Škoda
Land: Československá republika
Type: Škoda 418 Popular
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 200

(1934) Škoda 420 Popular


Make: Škoda
Land: Československá republika
Type: Popular
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 4220


(1934) Škoda 656 D


Make: Škoda
Land: Československá republika
Type: 656 D
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 5 s motorem diesel + 5 s motorem benzin

(1934) Škoda Superb 640


Make: Škoda
Land: Československá republika
Type: Superb 640
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 201


(1934) Tatra 22 (4712ccm)


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: 22
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4

(1934) Tatra 72


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 72
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 320


(1934) Tatra 75


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: 75
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 4114

(1934) Tatra 75 roadster Bohemia Česká Lípa


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 75 roadster Bohemia Česká Lípa
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 4114, v provedení roadster Bohemia jen 3


(1934) Tatra 77


Make: Tatra
Land: Československá republika
Type: Tatra 77
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 101

(1934) Terraplane Big Six 3474ccm


Make: Terraplane
Land: USA
Type: Big Six
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6


(1934) Tornax Simplex Sport


Make: Tornax
Land: Německo
Type: Simplex Sport
Year: 1934
Displacement (ccm): 592

(1934) Triumph 52 500 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Triumph 52 500 ccm
Year: 1934
Cooling: vzduch


(1934) Triumph 61 649 ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Triumph 61 649 ccm
Year: 1934
Displacement (ccm): 649

(1934) Triumph Dolomite 1991ccm


Make: Triumph Cycle Co. Ltd., Coventry
Land: Velká Británie
Type: Dolomite
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 8


(1934) Walter D-bus 7354ccm


Make: Walter, a.s., továrna na automobily a letecké motory Praha Jinonice
Land: Československá republika
Type: D-bus
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 12

(1934) Walter Junior SS 1089ccm


Make: Walter, a.s., továrna na automobily a letecké motory Praha Jinonice
Land: Československá republika
Type: Junior SS
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 4


(1934) Walter Standard S 3257ccm


Make: Walter, a.s., továrna na automobily a letecké motory Praha Jinonice
Land: Československá republika
Type: Standard S
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 6

(1934) Z 4 II. serie


Make: Z, Zbrojovka, akciová spol. v Brně
Land: Československá republika
Type: Z 4 II.serie
Year: 1934
Engine (type, number of cylinders): 2


(1934) Z 4 III. serie


Make: Z, Zbrojovka, akciová spol. v Brně
Land: Československá republika
Type: Z 4 III. serie
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 500

(1934) Z 4 III. serie 1000 mil československých


Make: Z, Zbrojovka, akciová spol. v Brně
Land: Československá republika
Type: Z 4 III. serie 1000 mil československých
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 5


(1934) Z 4 IV. serie


Make: Z, Zbrojovka, akciová spol. v Brně
Land: Československá republika
Type: Z 4 IV. serie
Year: 1934
Number of vehicles made : 500

(1935-1947) ČZ 175 ccm Standard


Make: ČZ
Land: Československá republika
Type: ČZ 175 ccm Standard
Year: 1935
Number of vehicles made : 21 980 všech typů ČZ 175

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